Monday 18 April 2011

MelaMagic ~ Heavy-Duty Cleaner (473mL) 强效万能清洁剂 (473mL)

MelaMagic ~ Heavy-Duty Cleaner (473mL) 强效万能清洁剂 (473mL)

Nothing cuts grease and grime like MelaMagic 强效万能清洁剂,去除油污,所向披靡
MelaMagic cuts grease, banishes grime, and leaves surfaces sparking -- all without ammonia, chlorine bleach, or other caustic chemicals. Four types of biodegrable surfactants and two powerful degreasers power through dirt and stains with industrial strength.
强效万能清洁剂去除油腻,清除污垢,令表面洁净闪亮 -- 决不含氨水,氯漂白剂或其它腐蚀性的化学物质。含4种可生物降解的表面剂以及2种效力超强的去油剂,全效清除一切污渍。

1. 茶树精油等多种天然溶剂的独特配方,轻松渗透、乳化分解,进而去除长期堆积的顽强油渍污垢,尤其是因高热附着的油腻尘垢。
2. 成分天然可分解,不会伤害肌肤及身体,更不会污染环境。
3. 加倍超浓缩配方,用量省、价钱更省,一般可稀释成6瓶调和瓶使用,经济效能与清洁效果皆佳。

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